Year 2 – Jackson Pollock Class

Teacher : Mrs E Crawford-Smith

Jackson Pollock is a well know artist who did splash and drip painting on canvas. (called Abstract Expressionism.)

In year 2 you will have a chance to explore and try out some of his techniques.

The adults working with you in Year2 are Miss. Mc Daid and Mrs. Crawford-Smith.

During this year you will also be consolidating your key skills in English and Maths. You will learn alternative spellings and pronunciations of phonemes and explore different spelling patterns.  You need to be ready to try out new things and new words in Year 2. By the end of the year you will be an expert at investigating numbers, using a dictionary and thesaurus. 

I can’t wait to introduce you to some of my favourite authors and teach you some of the actions we use for our story telling. 

Our amazing PE days take place on a Monday and Tuesday so don’t forget to come dressed in your PE Kit on these days. 

We have a special PE coach on a Tuesday. On Mondays I will teach you some creative PE skills. 

If you are an expert at something or have a favourite author or story don’t forget to let us know!

From The Year 2 Team